Rule 34 of Eva, Samus Aran from Metroid and Cynthia from Pokémon, drawn by Incognito Anonymous. NSFW, obviously.

Also, the other day I found a bunch of old fanart on DeviantArt that I either forgot to upload or were never sent to me. The fanart section is about 35mb in size, it's pretty big. If you've sent a fanart and I've never put it online, I probably just forgot, so contact me again. The last one is even an hommage to a drawing poking fun at DeviantArt.
Your mark still exists on dA!
I guest that a lot of naughty thing happen in the famous parallel non-canonical universe!!! ;op
If you were a woman Sirkowski I would totally do you. your art rocks
ok.... ¬_¬
Your fans are weird, Sirk.
[commence nosebleed] Oh, also enjoyed the fanart pieces!
Aslo, for the sake of further fantasy, can we assume that Jonas is a hot, sexy female, and she hopes to do the dirty-flirty with a hot, sexy female version of you, Sirk?
The I'm 17 one is fan art, I should know since I drew it. I never expected it to show up here, especially since I rarely visit anymore.
I don't do self-inserts, 0kami. :-|
Thanks Niki!
Woot you've done Samus !!! I love you Sirk <3
I didn't draw this.
in b4 people realize the first image is fanart too.
Isn't Rule 34 - If it exists, there is porn. And if there is none, make it
Hey Sirk, he colored it too! http://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/290407
I'll upload it today.
Do you mind if I reproduce that "I'm 17" illo on my blog in a post regarding the recent Mike Handly guilty plea? Footnoted and linked to your page of course.
Sure, no problem.
Cool. Thanks.
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