Animal Crossing: Wild World friend code

Anyone wants to visit my town? I just installed my wireless router and I can finally connect my DS to these internets. XD
Friend Code: [REDACTED]
Name: Eva
Town: Nowhere
E-mail me or IM to share Friend Code.
AIM# sirkowski0001
Yahoo# sirkowski
ICQ# 50492086
Mario Kart is a lot harder against human competitors... :p
If I manage to get my own set up, I'll be sure to pay you a visit. :P
(I've got my villagers saying "Oh crap!" in greeting.
Town: Nowhere
Oh, right... I have to open the doors... ^^;
Will provide town name and character soon. I don´t remember anything about my town, but that it had a white supremacist mayor who was a furfag and dressed like a tortoise. No, really!
I had a Nazi flag flying over my town's gate just for laughs. But it made feel bad after a while and I replaced it with a Texas inspired flag.
My townsfolks do like to greet you with a 'sieg heil'.
But 'i gotta poop' remains a classic.
lol @ anonymous
I think you visited while I was sleeping, Ariel. But now Nook's store is expending. :-)
btw, that Kirby design is nice.
Shit... I got hacked. :-/
Luckily, I made backups before leaving to Cuba so I only lost the last three weeks and don't have to start over.
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