Monday, November 23, 2009

Slipshine's blog
Montréal Comix Jam
Liberal Avenger Blog
Penni Candies
Luxuria Music
Our Home Planet
Krazy Kimchi
Electric Manga

Best Of:
- Banned from DeviantArt: the full story
- Your opinion don't mean shit!
- Advice to Sirkowski
- What's an RSS Feed?
Previous Posts
- Faster, Dynamite! Kill! Kill! p.02
- Faster, Dynamite! Kill! Kill!
- Varadero report 2009
- Back to Canuckistan
- Revolución o muerte
- I'm back on these Internets!
- No Tubes
- Got the appartement!
- The Talibans and the Republican party agree
- Visiting an appartment tomorrow

I always loved that gag.
It's always bugged me how we never counted the buttload of Russian-made assault rifles or the stockpiles of ammunition and explosives as WMDs. They certainly qualify.
But no, it's always gotta be nerve gas, viral agents or nukes. And you are NOT going to find those out in bugfuck, because even extremists and dictators know better than to store that stuff in a hole in the ground.
Qualify as in fit the literal definition?
Yes, that's true, but since the Cold War the term WMD is meant to apply to specifically any "non-conventional" weapon. To be more specific, any weapon that can wipe out a population (like a city) in a single use. More importantly, it was pretty much stated outright our entire reason for being over there was nuclear weapons.
what is actually in the photo? i'm just curious.
My appartment.
would explain why it's pixelated out. Makes it kind of look like an extreme close-up of a sprite for some reason.
Or oil refinery.
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