Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Mohammed Cartoons

I don't think anyone who knows me would be in doubt to what's my position on the outrage in the Muslim world about the Mohammed caricatures. (the drawings can be seen here) Needless to say I don't like political correctness and despise organized religion. But there's more to this, so I've decided to gather together all my recent comments on the question in one text.

I’ve never received any death threats from Muslims, ever. Of course, that’s only because there’s so few of them with an Internet connection. I have, on the other hand, received death threats from Christians, especially for Miss Dynamite vs Terri Schiavo.
The Muslims who are outraged by blasphemy are burning their own countries. More power to them if the idiots want to live in a bigger shit hole than they already live in. They can throw their hissy fit and when they simmer down, perhaps they’ll realize they’re not oppressed by a cartoon, but by their own governments.

Because that's what's this is really about, governments! Those cartoons were published in September and the riots started only now? What's the deal here?? And who reads Danish newspapers in the Middle-East??? It also appears that some more offensive caricatures were added by Muslim clerics to fuel anger. These additions were not part of the original twelve cartoons. When there's manipulation involved, everyone must be extra vigilant, cuz there's something fishy...
The main outrage comes from poor Muslim countries, often dictatorships, oligachies, theocraties, etc. These people are oppressed and exploited, they've got reasons to be angry. So what is a government to do with an angry population? We know how quickly revolutions can start and how fast leaders can get arrested, tried and shot in the head after an hour (remember Causcescu). So the solution is to find a scapegoat, something the population can release their anger at. And you don't have to look very far to find an exemple of that. You've got a corrupt and incompetant American government that is unable to capture Osama Bin Laden. And even worst, unwilling to punish Saudi Arabia, the main financial backers of the 9/11 attacks. So what to do before the American people walk in the White House and kick the President out, literally? Find a scapegoat, big bad evil Saddam wants to destroy us with his weak army and his nonexistant WMDs.

You're either with us, or you're against us! That's what Bush used to say and I'm sure that's what Muslim clerics are saying right now. And now the Jesus freaks, Bush "psychofans" and other wingnuts are saying that again. Just like Obi-Wan Kenobi who was offered the same choice by Anakin, I'm gonna throw these retards in the lava pit. These are the same people who sent me death threats over my artwork. The same people who would love nothing less than close down my website. And now they're suddenly freespeech warriors? Well excuse me if I don't trust you and don't join your little faggoty crusade, your little bandwagon. I was blasphemous before those riots and I don't need you hypocrites to defend my rights, so fuck you! Next they'll try to push for a "freespeech protection law" and we'll discover later that this law actually bans any jokes about Jesus.

"Yes, but we Jesus freaks don't riot, burn down ambassies, we're civilized." (not actual quote, obviously) Don't make me barf with contempt. The only reason Christian fundamentalists don't start beheading queers, atheists and wiccans is because they know they don't have the power to do so succesfully. They don't want to end up like the Waco Davidians. There's will but not means. Besides, the invasion, destruction and occupation of theIraq scapegoat is pretty much worst than burning a deserted ambassy, so spare me your intellectual dishonesty. This isn't a fight between Us and Them, it's Them against Them. Two fucking retarded ideologies and I'm against them both. So I'll continue doing what I've always done, piss on all dogmas. Your, theirs, all of them!


Blogger K-2 said...

The worst part is that most of those caricatures are soooo lame. The worst part, why did they not burn the U.S. embassies when a South Park episode depicted Mohammed was aired?. Last time I checked, South Park wasn't the most political correct cartoon in the U.S.

And you are pretty right when you say the Bush's idiots are not better than them. Religion shouldn't be a reason to kill people, when it's supposed to mean love and all that stuff, not cutting somebody else's throat.

6:09 AM  
Blogger Sirkowski said...


7:54 PM  
Blogger Alex said...

You've got it wrong k-2, religion is the justification of one's actions by one or more powerful beings. The religions that talk about peace and such use that to appeal to others.

For example Christianity tries to appeal to people not wanting to die and the fact that some want peace. However Christianity allows you to screw up and still have eternal happiness.

Religion can also be defined as the fight against logical thinking. Either way, it sucks. Good entry Sirkowski!

2:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually most muslims are sensible human beings...
and this comic doesn't break any rules because #1
your not muslim so you don't have to abide by them...
#2 You didn't show the prophets(PBUH) face
#3 Islam is only semi organized...
there are no requirements about a house of worship...
#4 as long as no faces are shown the thirs world countries don't get offended...the pifg thing is also a good idea...but you forgot to make the pig say Bismillah!
Make it say Bismillah!

11:31 PM  

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