Saturday, October 21, 2006

Eva and Blackie back home

Warning: Gross images

I went to the clinic to pick up my rats up since they were both feeling well.

Eva seems fine, but Blackie obviously didn't appreciate the experience. She jumped on me when the vet came back with her and could not have been far enough from that place. They got really hyper when we finally entered my appartement. This vet clinic for exotic animals is really good though, but surgery is a concept animals can't really grasp.

Eva's stiches are alright. But Blackie ate one stiches, so she's got a small hole where you can see her insides. X-P But the vet said it's alright, it would heal up anyway. The problem is I got to put a cone on Blackie and as you can't imagine, she's not a happy girl. She can't climb properly and it's difficult (but not impossible) to eat. It's only for two days though.


Blogger Sailor Scorpio said...

So they DO make e-collars small enough for little ratties. That's adorable. ^_^

1:23 PM  
Blogger Sirkowski said...

It's not adorable when you see what it does to her. She can't climb, it's difficult to walk, she can't scratch or wash her face, it's hard to eat properly (I have to grind her food for her). It's really frustrating for her.

3:10 PM  
Blogger Sailor Scorpio said...

Well, good thing it's only a couple of days. It's definitely better than the alternative -- you don't want to know the horror stories I've heard about bad vets who neglect to use e-collars. Then again, I saw some pretty terrible things at my last job that made me angry with some people who get their vet degrees and act like morons.

11:04 PM  

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