Friday, October 27, 2006

Horny suicide bombers

A new French documentary suggests that sexual repression in Palestinian Muslim culture may help some of them blow themselves up.
The documentary's subjects are Palestinians currently imprisoned for attempted suicide bombings; according to the article, they cite revenge, anger and the desperation and hopelessness induced by the prolonged Israeli occupation as motives for their actions. Rehov, however, fixes on another incentive. As one young man tells Rehov, "Those who blow themselves up get a good bonus from God -- they marry 72 virgins."

Apparently, every subject Rehov interviewed mentioned this motive; one young woman prisoner even wants to be one of the virgins, saying, "I would have been the prettiest of all." Rehov also mentions high levels of sexual frustration among the Palestineans of the Gaza Strip, claiming that students say "it is not possible to have a normal life."

In an interview with the Chronicle, Rehov describes meeting a 17-year-old survivor of a suicide attack. The survivor told him that a man approached her and showed her the dynamite under his shirt. Rehov explains, "I've studied psychology, and there are a lot of things connected to flashers -- they want to destroy innocence…This is when I understood there is something really sexual about this extreme act they want to commit."

We all know about the 72 virgins, but why wait for heaven to skrew virgins? And even though 72 virgins is probably something that's difficult to aquire on Earth, wouldn't a lower number be sufficient? And what about non-virgins, experience women, MILFs? And even if all those options fail, there's always your hand. It's not a coincidence religion always want to control sexuality, even masturbation. Sexuality is what all our lives revolve around, about everything we do is either consciously or subconsciously aimed at procreation (or more basicaly, skrewing). When you control every aspects of people's sexuality, you control them completly.

When I've said in the past that we should bombard the Middle-East with pornography, people laugh, but I'm not kidding. Nobody feels like killing anyone after masturbating.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"When I've said in the past that we should bombard the Middle-East with pornography, people laugh, but I'm not kidding. Nobody feels like killing anyone after masturbating."

LOL! You wouldn't believe it - actually, some Dutch standup comedian said pretty much the same, or actually he said something about sending whores to Afghanistan (or wherever the Dutch soldiers are now), so they wouldn't kill people after having sex. Or something. Anyway, it's almost identical. Isn't that cool? ^_^

8:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure a few suicide bombers are frustrated, though sexual frustration might not be the only kind of frustration.
But here I agree with The Wanker in Ennis' "Dicks": "He [Hitler] Should've had a good wank instead, then he wouldn't have started the second world war and killed all those millions!"

12:15 PM  
Blogger Sirkowski said...

Kill sperms, not people!

3:33 PM  

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