Thursday, November 02, 2006

Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!

The guy there, the selection officer, he tells me:
"uh, I can see you don't like the army"
I don't like the army, I was interested in firearms.
Because, eh, it can always be usefull.
And I had, by the way, my hunting vest,
full of bullets of all calibers.
It was something with which I would go out in Bruxelle,
I had a certain success, because of virility by firearms.
Uh, fire at will.
And... I say, listen, look, I'm a firearm maniac.
And, I love the army. I love the army. I love the army.
He looks at me.
"But the army, yeah, well I was proposed to put you
in a non-armed section".
I said, no way! I said listen.
Let's be clear, let's be brief, let's explain ourselves.
The army exists to kill. That's clear.
I said, shit, what! The army exists to kill!
It's purpose is to kill.
To defend yourself you gotta *SQUEEK*
So I said, listen, I'm interested.
Because I want to become a professional killer.
I want to kill.
Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!
I love to kill by the way.
And I want you to teach me how to kill.
When I look at someone, he's gotta be cold.
And you can give me what you want. What you want.
Anything. Any action, but action please!
Because if there's no action... I kill, I...
I don't support authority.
I want to be THE killer, the one killer, the best killer.
I always want to kill.
Send me anywhere, I kill everyone!
There! But give me the means, teach me to kill, please.

The guy, was over there.
"Yeah, well, listen, mmmh, good, good, good".

I did 15 days in the mental ward of the military hospital.
Because, apparently, the army doesn't exist to kill.
It exists to peel potatoes, to waste your time.
And take out the garbage.

And then, they declared, and I had to sign papers, as to...
They did that to me, uh.
As to, even in times of war,
I wasn't allowed to carry firearms, to defend my country.
And that, I find disgusting.
Because if there's one guy who's gonna defend his country.
If there's only one.
If it's a Crout.
If it's a Russian.
If it's an American.
If he puts his foot on my lawn.
I'M icing him!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get u i'm going to attempt to enter in military accademy for militar medicine, if they'll accept me I don't think that if I'll go in iraq or in another state I would be a so rude killer maybe I would not shot neither a bullet...

2:05 PM  
Blogger Susanowoo said...

I watched this video in Youtube :D lol

I have never met a so crazy belgian lol :D

belgians are so pacificals

9:57 AM  
Blogger Susanowoo said...

D'un côté il est marrant ce mec , mais d'un autre il est fou ...

Je me demande bien de quand elle date cette vidéo...

En tout cas , elle est très rigolote :D

Je me permets d'écrire en français car les belges-wallons sont francophones ;) Même si les flamands parlent aussi le français :)

5:51 PM  
Blogger Susanowoo said...

Apparement sur ton site , on aime pas l'humour francophone , on ne bouscule pas au portillon pour poster des messages sur ce sujet là.

M'enfin , laissons les , on ne sait pas ce que ces gars ratent ...

5:23 PM  
Blogger coolninja19 said...

il est mentalement retarder ou quoi

2:13 PM  
Blogger Sirkowski said...

Non, le video est hors contexte. En fait le gars explique comment il a joué la comédie pour éviter le service militaire.

3:31 PM  

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