On the importance of backups
Note: the episode will be released as planned on the 12th.
I was putting the final touch on the next anime episode when for an unknown reason, the sound got totaly fucked. A total loss as far as the sound mixing goes, two days of work in the trash. D-X
But thank Raptor Jesus, I had made backups. x_X
I still wasted an afternoon trying to fix the sound. There seems to be a problem with the synch near the end. I remember making longer Flash movies without any problem with the synch, so I don't get it. And since trying to fix the problem is what nearly destroyed everything, fuck it, it'll stay imperfect. Man! Drawing comics is so much easier. Even without a computer you can draw comics. All you need is paper, a pencil and a working hand. There's so many things that can go wrong with a computer, especialy in animation where you don't only have to take care of the video, but also the audio.
I don't think you should expect episode 23 for very soon. I'll probably take a break from doing Flash for a month. @_@
I was putting the final touch on the next anime episode when for an unknown reason, the sound got totaly fucked. A total loss as far as the sound mixing goes, two days of work in the trash. D-X
But thank Raptor Jesus, I had made backups. x_X
I still wasted an afternoon trying to fix the sound. There seems to be a problem with the synch near the end. I remember making longer Flash movies without any problem with the synch, so I don't get it. And since trying to fix the problem is what nearly destroyed everything, fuck it, it'll stay imperfect. Man! Drawing comics is so much easier. Even without a computer you can draw comics. All you need is paper, a pencil and a working hand. There's so many things that can go wrong with a computer, especialy in animation where you don't only have to take care of the video, but also the audio.
I don't think you should expect episode 23 for very soon. I'll probably take a break from doing Flash for a month. @_@
Fuck you, i'm ansious for that fuking animation and you will just give up!
Get back to work you lazy bum!!
I didn't say I was giving up. :-p The episode will be released as planned on the 12th.
Or you're mixed up between episode 22, which is almost done, and episode 23, which is... nothing is done.
Computers can have problems sometimes.
And, often, nobody can tell why...
That is why we have to do backup !
PsychoIdeas you need to lay off animation is extreamly hard and can make a man go crazy if you work to hard on it so next time think before you speak im sure sirkowski is trying his hardest and inless you want him to not even work on it at all i sugest you shut your mouth
Oh my, it is true! lol, sorry, i just made a mistake, and i know that making animations is really hard cuz i did some before, but not like a pro animator like Sirkowski
Why dont u stop of working alone, and go ask for the help of another flash animaitor , 2 head are better than one, and 2 PCs, and 2 artist at same project. Miss dynamite merit evrething *.*
Bad english... I know
That's easier said than done.
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