Saturday, March 24, 2007

Women, the right to vote and the niqab

The niqab is a Muslim veil that covers all but the eyes of a woman's face. It's one step before the burqa. There will be provincial elections in Québec next Monday and women who wear the niqab will need to take it off in order to vote. Zuzu at Feministe thinks this is disenfranchising Muslim women. She sees this political incorrectness as immigrant bashing and intolerance.

Here's the quick version of the story. A disinformation piece appeared in the Journal de Montréal newspaper about women wearing the niqab being permitted to keep their face covered while voting, no facial ID required. People got angry. But there's a nuance. Nobody needs a facial ID, nobody. It's stupid, ya, but it got nothing to do with Muslims. But it was too late. People were going to vote in a Darth Vader mask, the general director of the elections received threats. So in order to preserve order and prevent the election from turning into a joke, they changed the law temporarely, for this time only, you will need a photo ID and will need to show your face. That means the Muslim hair veil is ok. The niqab, worn by only 15 women in Québec, is not. One niqab wearing woman yesterday said she would have taken it off anyway, so she didn't understand what the fuss was about. I understand that.

Was this anger motivated by racism? Sure, there's some of that. But there's A LOT MORE TO IT. Getting involved in a discussion about Québec when you don't know anything about us is like stepping into a family fight during Thanksgiving when you're only the new boyfriend. You don't know what trouble you just got yourself in.

Americans who have had seperation of state and church since the birth of their nation might not understand how oppressed Québec was by the Catholic church only 50 years ago. People like me have not known this period, but it's still fresh in our collective memories. Systematic sexual abuses in orphan homes and in parishes. Control of the provincial state by the clergy. In rural areas, the control was total. As an exemple, when my grand-mother decided to stop having children (after 5 children, at least 1 still born and 3 misscarriages), the priest came to their house to give her hell. We have a deep distrust of everything religious. All of our swear words are sacriligious in nature. Quebecers also tend to be progressive socialy. We're the province where abortion is paid by the state, even if performed in a private clinic. So I think we can wear our progressive badge of honor proudly.

This means that to a lot of us, intolerance and oppression is deeply offensive. And it's paradoxal that our progressive nature creates intolerance when our culture clashes with the intolerance of a minority of Muslims. It's unfortunate, but at the same time, we can't (and won't) carry all the blame. There's some trouble to be expected when you live somewhere where women are equals, while you like to treat your women like shit. We're not more tolerant of inequalities when they're homegrown. One candidate for the elections had to quit because he said reports of violence against women are exagerated. Unacceptable, bye-bye! Was he oppressed because of his masculisnist views? Please...

Now I know what Zuzu is saying. Bashing covered Muslim women is not gonna help them integrate our society. But I find it somewhat hypocritical considering that our definition (at least in Québec) of integration is when they'll stop being religiously zealous (and I don't mean Islamists or terrorists, I mean religiously annoying, you know what I mean). It's kinda sneaky, kinda like gaining Allah's trust just to stab him in the back. In a way I agree. This anger projected at all Muslims because of a few fucktards among them is probably counter-productive. But to paint this as an anti-immigration reaction is unfair and just plain false. It's a culture clash (a minor one at that) and it's to be expected. Muslims need to look at themselves too. They're in part to blame, just as we are for our over-reaction. Feminists have a lot of work to do too. I have a BIIIIIG problem with feminists defending anything about the repressive aspect of Islam. I don't tolerate intolerance, I'm quite intolerant of intolerance, I want to bitchslap intolerance. I think feminists don't help the cause of women when they tolerate injustice just because of some shaky political calculation. Let's not say anything about it, so we can gain their trust and liberate them later. The veil is wrong, the niqab is wrong. The Charter of Rights gives these women the right to cover their faces. It also gives us the right to be stupid. It still doesn't mean it "right", with a small "r".

Sure, there was some ugliness involved...
Comment at Feministe
RKMK Says:
it’s fucking Quebec. This isn’t at all surprising.

But we're used to it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

word is a creazy place

5:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh heh...

And yet...

They still manage to elect all the Prime Ministers!

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah !
I see that Quebec and France have the same problem about the veil !

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Donnot speak Sirkowski of something that you dunnow the beginning and the finish okay ?

Everyone has the right to wear the clothes that they want and to believe in the religion that they want.

It is a line of your constituion right ?

If you are a real opposant to the religions specially chrestians and now Moslems.

Why you did not decide to Insult Islam like your episode special Pope ?

Are you afraid ?

Afraid of something ?

You are the first to protect gays but you are not the first to open a real conversation about theology.

I donnot care , you have never moved from your idiot french-speaking place.

You cannot speak clearly of the world

You are just a good watcher of Fox TV , mo problem if you are stupid

But just to say that you are a pervert, single , fat, alone , french-speaking but who are not proud to show his linguistics origins and for finished you are racist.

Racist against:

- french

- europeans

- chrestians

- moslems

damn the list is too long

You represent all the things that I hate to someome stupid racist

To be atheist does not meam to be unrespectual

Just a thing , copy and paste a chapter of Koran , it can more explain the "problem" of Islam in Canada okay ?

But have you read the Koran or the Holy Bible ?

No I donnot thinik , too stupid to read.

You are atheist but you have opened a Korean or an other holy books ?

Is it not strange ?

Au revoir XD

10:18 PM  
Blogger AStanhope said...

Have another drink, Temescula.

10:45 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

Looks some newbie got onto the site and is throwing a pussy fit.

10:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sirkowski , are you ready to reply ? or you will choose the way to insult me ?

I am so excited to see your answer

an answer of Sirkowski with a lot of stupidies lol

I can see that you are protected by your fans lol

5:01 PM  
Blogger Sirkowski said...

What does Marcelus Wallace look like?

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sirkowski , where is your point of view ?

You forget it in your ass ?

Yeah your ass because you have not a brain , too stupid to have one

This kind of answer shows to the internet world that you suck

You cannot speak about theology jam brain

see ya

9:44 PM  
Blogger Sirkowski said...

English, motherfucker! You speak it?!

12:59 PM  
Blogger Sonicdude135 said...

First off, Stop killing my native language PLEASE!

Second, Shut up please. I See what you mean and understand what your saying. But you ranting isnt gonna change a danm thing. This is the internet. no one cares what you say, and if they do, it will be dismissed in a week.

you have your beliefs, and sirkowski has his. leave it at that. and if you dont like the jokes he puts in his works then DONT COME HERE. dont expet to change anyone's point of views by throwing around your insults.

Hey im a christian, american. youd think id be the first the be offended coming on his website. But fact of the matter Is I love his artwork. But you dont see me tring to change his views. Cause if I did some how succeed in making him a christian and getting him to move to america. theres still Gonna be ALOT of people like him. you cant expect to save the whole world. and if you wanna try go ahead.

But not on the internet cause no one gives a danm.

And im not tring to speak on sirkowski's half. Im just assuming he hasnt said anything cause he obviously doesnt care. (atleast from what I gathered)

P.S. I wouldnt say that he is uneducated either. Where as I may not agree with some things he says. from what I read he may have more of an understanding than you think. But thats just from what I read. Not like I know the guy personally. But I sure as hell know that you Dont know him.

1:21 PM  
Blogger Sirkowski said...

I already live in America. ;-)

7:10 PM  
Blogger Sonicdude135 said...

REally?? im soo sorry. for some reason i was under the impression you lived in canada =P

12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typiclly stupid , Sirkowski you are vulgar and you have jam in your brain

I understand why they have so many stupid people in this site

So Sirkowski go to masturbate and dreams to have a girlfriend

sorry you will go to the bad town to fuck a slut


9:36 PM  
Blogger Sirkowski said...

"What" ain't a country I ever heard of. The speak english in what?

1:44 PM  
Blogger Sonicdude135 said...

this guy proves what an idiot he is everytime he speaks. you dont even have to insult him. he does it all himself..

11:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have not insulted , I have just described Sirkowski

Are you afraid to say that you are racist against moslems or chrestians ?

Why this stupid Sirkowski needs to be protected by Sonicdude ?

Just because you have not the knowledges to speak.That is a fact.

You are stupid and the only thing that you know of this world is the different reports of FOX TV.

I am sure you have never moved of North America ?

But it is okqy you are just stupid and racist.

I have others things to do , better than speaking with a pervert.

12:18 AM  
Blogger Sirkowski said...

Borat is much funnier.

1:08 PM  
Blogger Sonicdude135 said...

First Off Like I said earlier. Im not defending him. Im just tring to make you understand that no one here cares about your opinion, Including Sirkowski. And to be honest. I just cant stand people like you.... I'm doing nuttin for sirkowski, im just stating my own opinion. But maybe I should be like sirkowski and shut up also cause theres realy no point in arguing with you.

And on a side note.

Temescula Said...
"I have others things to do , better than speaking with a pervert. "

Then why the FUCK did you come here and open you mouth in the first place????

2:25 PM  
Blogger Sirkowski said...

And that's nothing, I erased a bunch of his posts. For someone who has better things to do, he's got a lot of things to say.

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:51 PM  

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