Republicans Love Gay Porn
Yeah, you read that right, Republicans and wingnuts seem to have learned to appreciate gay porn. What changed their minds? IOKIYAR of course.
The story so far: Matt Sanchez, a student and reservist Marine, wrote a column about what he perceived to be an anti-military bias at Columbia U. It got picked up by Bill "anal vibrator" O'Reilly and Sanchez became the wingnut's boy-toy. Last weekend he got an award at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) and even got his picture taken with Ann Coulter.
That's when some people realized that Matt Sanchez once starred in gay pornos. He was a liberal in these day, he says, it had nothing to do with his love of teh cock. And that's when Malkin, Blackfive, Ace of Spades, etc. are forced to do the unthinkable (easy for them to unthink I guess). Sanchez is being attacked by evil libruls and unable to ever admit a mistake, the wingnuts are stuck defending him. How do they pull it off? They don't really. Sanchez has been cured of teh gay by Jesus. He was a victim of liberalism, forced to sell his penis to the Hollywood Jewish conspiracy. We liberals are intolerant of... I dunno what the fuck we're intolerant about, but apparently, pointing to Sanchez hypocracy is intolerant.
So Matt used to be a whore for the porn industry. Nothing wrong with that if you ask me, good for him if his cock is worth money. What the wingnuts don't understand though, is that Matt is still a whore, an attention whore. They don't know what they've stepped in. Sanchez doesn't seem to blame the left for the outting. He's more upset that we didn't notice him earlier. This is going to come and bite them in the ass (lol) later.
The moral of this story is, conservatives love gays; as long as they're not gay.
Update: A lot more info here and even video!
Update: The cross-posting of this article at LiberalAvenger has been linked by Wonkette (2nd bullet) and RealClearPolitics (Opinion Buzz Tracker). I feel like important and stuff!

That's when some people realized that Matt Sanchez once starred in gay pornos. He was a liberal in these day, he says, it had nothing to do with his love of teh cock. And that's when Malkin, Blackfive, Ace of Spades, etc. are forced to do the unthinkable (easy for them to unthink I guess). Sanchez is being attacked by evil libruls and unable to ever admit a mistake, the wingnuts are stuck defending him. How do they pull it off? They don't really. Sanchez has been cured of teh gay by Jesus. He was a victim of liberalism, forced to sell his penis to the Hollywood Jewish conspiracy. We liberals are intolerant of... I dunno what the fuck we're intolerant about, but apparently, pointing to Sanchez hypocracy is intolerant.
So Matt used to be a whore for the porn industry. Nothing wrong with that if you ask me, good for him if his cock is worth money. What the wingnuts don't understand though, is that Matt is still a whore, an attention whore. They don't know what they've stepped in. Sanchez doesn't seem to blame the left for the outting. He's more upset that we didn't notice him earlier. This is going to come and bite them in the ass (lol) later.
The moral of this story is, conservatives love gays; as long as they're not gay.
Update: A lot more info here and even video!
Update: The cross-posting of this article at LiberalAvenger has been linked by Wonkette (2nd bullet) and RealClearPolitics (Opinion Buzz Tracker). I feel like important and stuff!
So...he's got a wife. I guess this makes him "bi" now, not cured. That or he went into being a closet case for his republican buddies.
I can understand when someone believes in the ideals represented by the Republican party, but not gays! That party is the one that is the most vocal about openly resenting and oppressing homosexuals. It's like the term "gay republican" is an oxymoron.
Hell yeah!
Hey, Bushit will be here in Brazil soon, i'm suposed to kill him but there will be a lot of cops...what should i do?
For all we know, he's probably recording some hot sticky porno with some male pages right now...I'd come up with some stupid name but I can't think right now
I can provide you with actual names of movies he's been in: Donkey Dick (I thought he was a Republican), Patriot Ass (seriously), Tijuana Toilet Tramps (Tom Tancredo would love that one) and… Butt Crack Mountain…
The ASSbandit thinks he's being OPPRESSED by liberals because he's been outed as a gay pornstar.
Heh. ASSuming that he could properly characterize our ridicule of him as "oppressive", the underlying question is to ask...
Why are we oppressing him?
It's not because he's a homosexual. If he wants to make-out with Jeff Gannon, Mark Foley, or Reagan's monkey, that's fine. He just has to do it in the privacy of his own bathhouse.
We oppress/ridicule him because he's a FUCKING HYPOCRITE. On the one hand, his deeds and past behavior (presumably for $$$) seem to be accepting if not outright supportive of homosexuality, but on the other hand... HE OPENLY BACKS THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. The Republicans have inhibited civil rights and sexual freedom for years -- they even tried to ammend the constitution over it! So how can his support for Republicans be anything but hypocracy??
It can't. I'd imagine the fairy would try to defend his position... like saying that there is a fine line or a caveat to his position that neatly reconciles his homosexuality and gayporn career with his open-support of the Republican Party.
Well if he does... IT'D BE BULLSHIT. It'd just be his way of deflecting claims of him being a hypocrite whose getting his just deserts -- from behind, of course.
Rev. Ted Haggard massage table on eBay
Mike Jones, the former prostitute who serviced Ted Haggard, is eBaying the massage table on which Reverend Ted Haggard enjoyed himself with Mr. Love. Proceeds go to charity. It's at $860 with over 7 days left in the auction.
Hehe! I was gonna mention that.
Eh I think it is more of the republicans wanting to pick up as much shit they like as they can and this time they ended up picking up a piece of shit with a history. Now they have to try and "help" him so they don't sound like they have an "evil gay agenda," like how "liberals do."
Poor republicans, better luck next time.
And remember 'pubs: to better prevent media spillage, use Glad with 3 ply anti-agenda sheets.
why someone that like a cock into his ass must be a liberal? what's the matter? All political shit in america is decided by the difference homo-etero? So a homo, could not be pro-iraq or pro anyother Bush's political idea?
I personally never said that. There are even Democrats who are for the war in Iraq (not a lot), and some may even share a few of Bush's ideals (again, not a large number). Of course there are homosexuals that will be republicans, but there's that whole "We're Christians for Christian society, and we don't think that homosexuals are equal to us heterosexuals/in-the-closet-persons" thing that the Republicans have going on. So my question is: Why in the hell would a homosexual person want to be a Republican or even be affiliated with one? Like I said in my original post, they're not working hard for everybody, ESPECIALLY not for people whom's existence they regularly disapprove of. But what do I know. I took an online meme, and according to the results, I'm socialist. :P
Zaudelig is a bit confused.
Maybe I don't get neither the american political system, neither the italian one(I'm italian), also there there is this problem, rigth wing contro, lefth wing pro, and I'm starting to thinking that it's only a thing for assure a wisp of votes(but that's not mean a lot of homo votes for berlusconi, for example dolce&gabbana XD, seriously according to "arcigay" president the 30% of italian homosexual vote for Berlusconi)
I understand the pope that say no to homos, but not a politician that for first have to interisting himself to economical and more important social problem, in italy could fight against mafia, camorra, cosa nostra, could think that the 45% of naples citizen are jobless, could think about ospitals that are going to american sanitary system level, and about a lot of other more important problems, and if a little country like Italy have all this problems what problems could have a a country like USA?
Provably homosexuality problems is only a distraction..
u fucking whites ur going to be dead
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