Pink Rat
Don't call PeTA, it looks worse than it really is. Ratzi has an infection on his hind paws. My other rats never any problems but I guess Ratzi's feet are too sensitive to the metal bars flooring. He's not on antibiotics and I removed all the metal flooring. Everything is being taken care of. Anyway, I guess he's been licking his feet cuz an hour ago I noticed Ratzi's fur was pink! o_O

The cage was a bloody mess too.

No choice, gotta put Blackie's old cone on Ratzi's neck so he can't lick his feet.

You can't tell since he's not moving, but that's one mighty pissed rat. He's starting to cool off now and has stopped trying to remove the cone.
As well as his feet, Ratzi is also on antibiotics for recurrent respiratory problems. It's weird, Eli was the most healthy of the two (apparently) and he died first of a heart attack. I thought Ratzi would go first, since he's always sick, but he just won't die. He's the rat Highlander! e_e

The cage was a bloody mess too.

No choice, gotta put Blackie's old cone on Ratzi's neck so he can't lick his feet.

You can't tell since he's not moving, but that's one mighty pissed rat. He's starting to cool off now and has stopped trying to remove the cone.
As well as his feet, Ratzi is also on antibiotics for recurrent respiratory problems. It's weird, Eli was the most healthy of the two (apparently) and he died first of a heart attack. I thought Ratzi would go first, since he's always sick, but he just won't die. He's the rat Highlander! e_e
That cone is both hilarious and cute, but how is it that metal bars mess his feet up?
I did read the part about sensitive feet, but does he have some sort of metal allergy or something? Meh, I guess all animals have some sort of weird problem.
Rats are pretty resilant creatures, the mamalian version of the roach. You arerage rat lives about 3-4 years although the oldest recoded rat lived 7 years and like three months. Since Ratzi is what apears to be albino or at least one of those Geneticly artifical lab rats he is going to be more subseptible to sickness due to his biological makeup. Kinda like a human Ginger.
Poor rat... Hope Ratzi gets better.
The problem isn't walking on metal, it's walking on bars or mesh.
"Don't call PeTA, it looks worse than it really is."
I thought that's what PETA was all about? :) Over reacting?
Speaking of PETA, they've got a really cool flash animation where you get to have fun chopping a turkey for noshing.
Cooking Mama
I think they meant it to be off-putting, but they only managed to put me off tofu.
Fishes are supposed to be called Sea Kittens now.
Speaking of PeTA. I pwned PeTA
im writting from a iPhone not mine
Daniel, yeh, try walking on oh, chainlink fence in bare feet for a couple hours. You'll get the idea.
The wire mesh down at the bottom of the cage is so their crap can fall down and they don't roll in their own filth. I don't know much about domestic rats, but with birds at least, you can put beams running across the cage, near the bottom, they'll step up on those and walk around, better for their feet at least. Don't know if something of similar fashion would work for rats?
Aww, poor thing. Hope his infection clears up soon.
...there can be only one!!!!!!
The last Anonymous was me. XD
I haven't seen blood for a while now.
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