Thursday, November 26, 2009

Slipshine's blog
Montréal Comix Jam
Liberal Avenger Blog
Penni Candies
Luxuria Music
Our Home Planet
Krazy Kimchi
Electric Manga

Best Of:
- Banned from DeviantArt: the full story
- Your opinion don't mean shit!
- Advice to Sirkowski
- What's an RSS Feed?
Previous Posts
- Sarah Palin's message to Canadians
- Animal Crossing: Wild World friend code
- Faster, Dynamite! Kill! Kill! p.05
- Faster, Dynamite! Kill! Kill! p.04
- Faster, Dynamite! Kill! Kill! p.03
- Faster, Dynamite! Kill! Kill! p.02
- Faster, Dynamite! Kill! Kill!
- Varadero report 2009
- Back to Canuckistan
- Revolución o muerte

I have a big feeling she saw it on the 4chan anime board...
◕ ◡ ◕
Careful, guy, does ANYONE want to admit they even viewed a "Chan" site...?
Then again, from all the "Partials" they post of "Youth Models" not getting to the parts where the brats clothes are all off of course... I was thinking about Eva...
She's Russian, right? Maybe you should have an episode where she meets "Drunk Uncle Ivan" and she starts hitting him. He "Exploited her" by making her pose for "SL Models" for a few cases of Vodka-
(Pic of Eva younger, way too much makeup and hair curled pretty, shivering in a skimpy bikini in some rather cold -even in mid summer- Russian flower field. Caption, which she didn't write, goes "Mistah! Will you be my lover? Most men my age are SUCH little boys!")
"And the rat bastard didn't give ME a single shot glass of the Vodka!" and beats him up. When she's done, she goes off but before Blackie tails along, she pulls out some Vodka and an encrypted Jump drive. "We have time for quick download, honored Uncle?"
Ha ha, tits and tentacles. I approve.
Actually, I'm pretty sure the robot thing is accurate...
>implying Sikowski didn't follow Rules 1 and 2
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