Thursday, December 10, 2009

Slipshine's blog
Montréal Comix Jam
Liberal Avenger Blog
Penni Candies
Luxuria Music
Our Home Planet
Krazy Kimchi
Electric Manga

Best Of:
- Banned from DeviantArt: the full story
- Your opinion don't mean shit!
- Advice to Sirkowski
- What's an RSS Feed?
Previous Posts
- Faster, Dynamite! Kill! Kill! p.15
- new combat heroes
- Faster, Dynamite! Kill! Kill! p.13, 14
- noisy LaCie fanless HD is noisy
- Mustang 68
- Faster, Dynamite! Kill! Kill! p.12
- Faster, Dynamite! Kill! Kill! p.11
- Faster, Dynamite! Kil! Kill! p.10
- Bye-bye ICQ
- Faster, Dynamite! Kill! Kill! p.09

that's page fifteen :p
how lomg dod it take you u i got mine in 30 min the only side effct o had was buring around injection site for about 10 min well got to get ready for my last exam for this term of cegep
I didn't have to wait. (there was a snow storm)
But the adjuvant hit me like a ton of bricks 8 hours later. I'm staying in bed today... ں_ں
Sorry, no update Friday.
No update? *whine* *whimper* T_T
Don't worry about it, Sirkowski. Just get some rest. ^_^
Everyone reacts to the vaccine differently so I'm glad you're doing well.
(My younger sister had a *terrible* reaction to it but she's doing much better now)
Hope your holidays are happy ones. ^_^
Dear Santa Claus,
I want Eva Sirkowski naked, bounded in sexy ribbons!
P.S. Use liquid chlorophyll, old man!
Sirkowski, It's thanks to you that I've adopted your art style of Miss Dynamite series to my own.
Well, show us.
I have to admit- I don't have fanart of Miss Dynamite but I'll go and drawing one now. I hope you like surprises. :)
You can show us any art.
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