Thursday, May 11, 2006

Slipshine's blog
Montréal Comix Jam
Liberal Avenger Blog
Penni Candies
Luxuria Music
Our Home Planet
Krazy Kimchi
Electric Manga

Best Of:
- Banned from DeviantArt: the full story
- Your opinion don't mean shit!
- Advice to Sirkowski
- What's an RSS Feed?
Previous Posts
- Tune-in today at 7pmET
- Your opinion don't mean shit!
- Devian Tart High School Nazies
- The time I nearly got into a fight in the subway
- Is Atheism a Religion?
- Preview frames from next anime
- Bleedman banned from DeviantArt
- New fanart!
- MySQL database
- Banned from DeviantArt?

greatest pic ever *nods*
That's the fastest way possible to remove content from DA anyone could ever concieve. I suppose you'll update the site blog link to direct to this one now. Anyway, so I don't drone on, I hope you find this to be a highly beneficial move on your part. Don't be a stranger man.
30 seconds! What a record! Way to go out with a bang (and a splurt...and a fuck...)
hehe! Thank you!
Great idea, getting them to do the work for you. I've always wondered how someone could start a site with a name like "deviant art," and ban someone for something like "farewell to deviant art."
Given the origin of the term, you'd think the only thing they'd ban would be fascists.
But maybe it's for the best that some people can't perceive irony. Otherwisee, the world would be a mess, with all those millions of heads exploding.
well, thats quite a picture. I'm sorry that I was at work and missed it's debut.
Now I see why You were banned... Hahahaha...
Let them eat shit.
Typical of your style, Sirkowski. Very well with in reason as well. (Though, this image more than likely defies reason, but who give a shit.)
DA seems to be a little trigger happy lately with the banning and the removal of content. I had this wonderful V for Vendetta parody DA took down. BASTARDS!
Then last week they banned bleedman (you'd probably hate him, he did a Powerpuff Girls comic a while back) for swearing in his own review.
Other than that, I will miss your delightfully sharp sense of humor.
I'll try to visit this blog once in a while to see what's up and the check out your latest work.
Farwell, sirkowski.
"Ideas are bulletproof!" --V from V for Vendetta
-Sutut on LiveJournal
-KingNot on DA
and soon to be GreenGestalt...
Yeesh, I agree.
A site named "Deviant Art" should only ban the most grotesquely illegal shit, and only then when its going to directly get them in trouble. Like literal pictures of underage girls naked getting stretched on racks while a priest jacks off over them and then there is open discussion of wiping out the commander in chief of America.
I don't know why they behave like they do...? Probably wanting to sell their souls to some corporate devil, versus earning money by advertizing.
I'm positive it's just a matter of time before DA gets bought just like MySpace.
When that happens, I think I'll leave them. I think I'll borrow that picture you drew if they do. If they think this drawing constituted banning, just wait till other people post something that is not theirs! Think if it as giving DA the double duce.
Right now, I've beeen banned because someone kept harrassing me. This new profanity policy is a bunch of bull shit.
You can't spell Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei without DA.
Hahaha. I love that picture.
Nice touch at the end with the "You know what to do--Report Deviation as policy violation"
I don't use the word hero a lot...but you are the greatest hero in canadian history
a 16 year old antisemite hermaphrodite that sucks cocks... you're a fu**ing genious xDDDD
f**k the DA, they're a bunch of pretencious Fu**ers =)
That's pretty sad that the admins placed an indefinite account ban on you for that drawing that they deemed it as highly pornographic...and it was a way for you to leave dA like that.
Not only they kicked you out, but they purged your avatar, entire gallery, prints, journals and even terminated your subscription...thus leaving only your favourites, friends and watched by lists.
While, most people thought that this drawing was funny, other found that the drawing was was too offensive and they decided to report that drawing.
It's a shame that something like this had to happen.
For me, I was suspended for a week, because of publicly accused someone of harassment towards a chronic art thief who got banned from dA back in late April.
I've learn a lesson not to do that again while others aren't willing to change their previous behaviour.
That's how life on dA is and it will never be the same with you no longer being a member of that site.
Nobody reported that pic, I was banned 30 seconds after posting it. So they admins were keeping an eye on me.
Of course, this is exactly what I wanted.
Haha that's brilliant! I always knew those DA guys were a bunch of faciest dicks but your story about there self-serving attitudes proves it.
And a great way to go as well, I hope others will do the same.
Oh my god, you are the greatest person ever.
ur not the only good artist the fucked with
recently they delleted all of phenix wrk and i was pissed to find this out it tru that they're a bunch of pricks
but im actually learnin shit frm the other users
but they b assholes for banning u
wow... 30 seconds... that's amazing sirk. you kick ass, man. i agree with you, but te dick-girls were just disturbing... never been to canada, but it must be better than England!
I've seeen pictures of nacked women more offencive than that. That's just knee-slapping hillarious. XD
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