Sunday, October 19, 2008

Slipshine's blog
Montréal Comix Jam
Liberal Avenger Blog
Penni Candies
Luxuria Music
Our Home Planet
Krazy Kimchi
Electric Manga

Best Of:
- Banned from DeviantArt: the full story
- Your opinion don't mean shit!
- Advice to Sirkowski
- What's an RSS Feed?
Previous Posts
- Dude, stop screaming...
- Miss Dynamite's election blackmail: Double or noth...
- Onward Soviet Canuckistanies!
- Booo!
- Workplace Gore
- Election Blackmail: The stakes get higher!
- Girly guest comic
- Election Blackmail: Canadian edition
- Eva and Blackie naked, frenching UPDATED
- Comparing Bush with McCain

I was constantly called a Twatt by one of my more disgruntled villagers.
He's moved now.
I miss him U_U
haha I totally played that a lot. Think I lost it though, which is lame because I had rare items and millions of moneys.
On the topic of Video Games, did anyone notice that Eva makes a camo On Metal Gear Solid(for the PS1)?
Seriously I was digging around in my attic and found my old PS1 and a couple of games, one being Metal Gear Solid. Since I loved the game I hooked it up to my tv and popped in the game.
About half way through the the game I notice that one of the Codex contacts looked familiar.
Natasha Ramenisko's (the Nuclear and Weapons Expert, who happens to be a Russian chick smoking a cig) Codex image is a a head and shoulders shot of Eva from the Miss Dynamite LIVE! comic. Not only than but she loves weapons (especially missles) and her knowledge of Nukes is an obvious referance to the 3rd(?) comic "the Bitch, the Comrade and the Lesbian"
So since Eva was not only the image basis but the character basis for Natasha, Hideo Kogima Has some explaining to do.
Sirkowski I think you might be entiled to some of those metal gear millions.
Also You should do a Metal Gear Parody, Would love to see Eva and Blackie in sneaking suits.
This image only serves to remind me that I have things I want to buy, and that I can't shake down a tree for a bag full of cash.
I need a job, stat!
I knew there was an Animal Crossing movie,I was just unaware you where interested in that sort of thing.
It's just an expression. ;-) But I did have a fangasm watching the movie.
Yes, this is completely aside from the Animal Crossing movie, but...
4 more days until "the best President since George W. Bush" becomes a made man!
Oh, is it the 31st already? I was totally going to draw Eva dressed up as Roll...but I didn't. Ha.
I been way too busy this past week. :-/
Better being busy than not having any work at all. How'm I supposed to pay anyone if I can't even get unemployment insurance? :/
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