Thursday, January 29, 2009

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The sun effect makes it look like they are actually in a very hot desert. Also the most recent image isn't hotlinked.
Shit... thanks!
Ok, very hot desert. But that's good or bad?
It looks more like fog or haze to me than glare from the sun. Maybe making it less diffuse would help. Personally I like the page better without the effect, but that's probably just me.
Either way, it looks good. And I know what you're saying about looking at stuff that was drawn any more than a year ago. Whenever I go through my old drawings I always wonder how I could have convinced myself that they were any good at the time.
Both are good but I say go without unless thier going to comment about the heat.
Usualy when I ask for people's opinion, I get 50/50 opinions. But for once at least, it's unanimous. X-)
So no glare. That's good, cuz that's something less to do.
Well, if you want it to be a bright, sunny day go with the right one I guess.
And isn't August plenty of time?
I think it looks great a lot better than I could ever do!
- Jg21me
It's a lot of time, but I do have other things to do.
On the left the colors are bright but I like the way they look.
major spoosh
From the top, "Ok, very hot desert. But that's good or bad?"
I'd have to say that the appearance of an actual desert looks good in photography, but in cartoon form it just looks like the colors are faded.
Just repeating what already has been said: The filter is distracting and overpowers the illustrations. The comic looks so much cleaner and crisper without it.
I like both, but I think the problem with the glare effect on the first page is there's nothing to compare it to. It's hard to tell that the glare respresents sunlight, or if it's just how everything is colored in the book.
i actully like the one on the right better but they both look good. i think ur beeing a little obsesve about it but iam no artist i can't even draw a stick figure.
Ok two questions.
Where do I get an english copy of Faster, Dynamite! Kill! Kill! As some of us aren't aloud back in Canada and and hand several out standing warrents in France (One car catches fire and the French get their knickers in a twist)
And where can I get one for free as I am a cheep bastard.
It's been in the Shop, for the past 3 years. ;-p
English translation:
When then I must be retarded
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