Friday, January 23, 2009

Slipshine's blog
Montréal Comix Jam
Liberal Avenger Blog
Penni Candies
Luxuria Music
Our Home Planet
Krazy Kimchi
Electric Manga

Best Of:
- Banned from DeviantArt: the full story
- Your opinion don't mean shit!
- Advice to Sirkowski
- What's an RSS Feed?
Previous Posts
- The Bible promotes abortion
- Miss America sketches: page 3
- Dirk Benedict wish he had a vagina
- Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!
- Straight Outta Langley
- How to browse suspicious URLs? -FIXED
- Porn Up; Rape Down
- Console Wars
- Can I has bailout too???66
- Miss America page 1 sketch

I just realized something, when ever you see Eva in a swim suit, she always looks flawless. Shouldn't she have quite a few scars from bullet wounds, falling out of cars, sword slashes and what not? =P
That's cuz you can never get close enough to see them. :p
Dis donc, t'es en forme aujourd'hui.
Looks like it's pretty action packed so far: You've killed at least eleven guys in the first few pages. :)
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