Wednesday, March 18, 2009

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- Banned from DeviantArt: the full story
- Your opinion don't mean shit!
- Advice to Sirkowski
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- Searching Colorist (flatter) for hire -THANKS
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- Rihanna, just sayin'...

Even at sleep, Eva could sense Eva's perversion and defend herself. LOL
Sirkowski, I've done a Eva erotic fanart last year. May I send you a link?
The masses have spoken.
Why is part of the middle of her chest blurred? Has Eva got a third nipple there?
In fact, why blur it at all, we've seen far worse (num num num) on here before!
Sleeping with a gun I figured, but a lit cigerette? Can you say "house fire".
Maybe shes not sleeping but awake looking for her to try some thing ^^
I didn't know if I could post it here or send for e-mail, but here it is:
I hope you like it.
hey sirkowski
There was a strip, about marijuana brownies,very funny,
I wanted to show my friends, but I couldnt find it
can you send me a link?
Check the download section, it's clearly labeled as the Ezekiel fake Christian pot-cake recipe.
all right, thanks!
I've seen that pic, I thought it was in the gallery. Weird. E-mail it to me, or else I will forget to post it when I'm back home.
I've send the pic for your gmail account. Thanks.
yay! lol :P
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