Oh lordy lordy. So many ignorant idiots shouting things they have no understanding of. When did free healthcare for all become the same as the disolvement of freedom and liberty? Man these people are sure afraid of something, and they don't even seem to know what! Seems like they are gagging for a revolution. Making Obama a Nazi is so ironic it's laughable. I suspect many of that lot thought General Lee gave in too quick.
There's so many things wrong with these people it's hard to make a list.
- Poor people on social security who don't want government's help, but still want the government's checks.
- People who claim to be patriots but wave the Confederate flag. Since when did treason become a symbol of patriotism???
- People who think they deserve to pay a lot for their healthcare because insurance co knows better than us what's good for us. It's ironic that while these nuts fear fascism, that's a very fascist mentality.
- I saw an Obama/Hitler sign from Lyndon Larouche. A lot of the Obama/Healthcare conspiracy theories originate from the Larouchebags. Some of them even protested in Montreal... (why???) These conservatives, republicans and libertarians are falling for the kook stories of Larouche, a Marxist sect leader. These guys killed irony...
It pisses these people off when they're told that the real reason they hate Obama is because he's black. Well shit, what's the reason then? Where were these protesters when Bush was pissing his budget away on an illegal and worthless war?
This reaction from these nuts was a long time coming. America started to change during the FDR admin. Even before WWII and the baby boom. But it was still possible for the remaining bigots to live in an imaginary lala land where you only saw black people on TV. But with a black president, progress is now impossible to ignore. That fantasy conservative America is gone (it never really existed anyway). And in these times, your only options are to either accept you were wrong, or go apeshit.
Luckily here in brazil, you either are a liberal or a liberal. It doesn't even exist a conservative party. I guess this is good since you don't need to hear the common bigotry you got up there in the States. Of course there always those catholical extremists talking shit on certain TV channels.
I can't even bring myself to watch the videos. It used to be funny, but now it's just frustrating. Blogster is overrun by these types, and IRL I'm surrounded by them. I don't have a problem dealing with people who simply have a differing opinion, but when they are the ones yelling Nazi and the ones who own the guns... well...
Way too many conspiracy theorists in there, too much Glenn Beck, and too much of the kind of stuff W. Cleon Skousen spouted. Skousen was basically a Mormon conspiracy theory nut (note: Mormons are not christians - they're basically the 19th century versions of Raelians) who wrote about stuff like the Red Menace (he thought some presidents such as Eisenhower were secretly Communist allies), then later the New World Order (basically he was introducing the Rockefellers into the Communist thing). Before that, he had been chief of police in Salt Lake City before being fired for, well, overdoing it:
" "Skousen conducted his office as Chief of Police in exactly the same manner in which the Communists operate their government," Lee wrote to a friend explaining his firing of Skousen. "The man is a master of half-truths. In at least three instances I have proven him to be a liar. He is a very dangerous man [and] one of the greatest spenders of public funds of anyone who ever served in any capacity in Salt Lake City government." "
Oh, and plus, he was an opportunist (the article quotes "money mad... totally unqualified and interested solely in furthering his own personal ends."). Ok, long story short, Skousen was crazy and saw conspiracies everywhere. And Glenn Beck is in the same line of thought: http://www.salon.com/politics/war_room/2009/09/03/beck_art/index.html . Rockefeller New World Order conspiracies? So yeah, if that's the kind of people who inspire the opposition to Barrack Obama's health care plan, then it's no surprise that they make no sense, have little regard for actual IRL facts, and are basically screaming and paranoid and afraid of whatever some sociopathic loudmouths tell them to be afraid of.
Oh, and if Skousen is any indication of the kind of person Glenn Beck is, then, don't vote for him. He'd turn the US into a totalitarian state for sure.
Makes me sick how these clowns abuse thier liberty and freedoms to cry about how repressed and threatened they are. Send then to a country where they have no freedoms to give them some perspective - and maybe shut them up.
Personally, I love the guy where "Immigrants should lern English in 'merica." ... then reveals his lack of English skills on his sign. (he added the "a" of diapers in pen, but completely missed the "ci" in politicians)
I saw a picture of one of some of these idiots in the local newspaper, on the forefront was a guy with a Ben Franklin quote "Those who give up freedom for security have neither"... my two questions are:
A) Exactly how does this apply to a health care system where I can actually AFFORD to take my ass to the hospital for something other than worker's compensation cases, and
b) Where was this logic when we were gleefully Pied Pipered straight into the Patriot Act?
Please, someone help me understand the hardcore, right-wing logic where Universal Health Care, gay marriage, and not wearing an American flag lapel pin are a "slippery slope" to the destruction of our nation, but unwarranted wiretapping, illegal detention and torture, asshat justification for said illegal detention and torture, and nonsensical fear-mongering are A-OK.
I wonder how many of the rednecks in this country who want immigrants to "talk english" actually realize our country doesn't even have an official language. Of course, these folks didn't pay attention in English class, I guess expecting them to know their history is just as unrealistic.
I also have to wonder, when the hell will something be done about the USA PATRIOT Act?
For years I thought that if basic reasoning and logic were taught early in school, a lot of this @#&#$$@! would not be. Unfortunately as I have gotten older and experienced more and more people, including a great many supposedly educated ones, I have found that for a great many people they have a need for fear and hate that seems to be inborn. What is worse is that its a self perpetuating cycle. White racist groups create black racist groups, black racist groups create Asian racist groups (my ex was from Atlanta, the hatred for Asians from the black community was legendary there in the early 90s) and it all breaks down to the ever stupid " I hate you because my parents were hated by somebody. " And it doesn't stop with racism, political and social affiliations (Liberal, Conservative, Hippy, Slacker, Punk, Goth, Environmentalist, Feminist, Catholic, Baptist, Pagan, etc, etc, etc) Any group, by any definition of being a group, becomes a target of those who have a need for the power and self-justification of hate. I used to think that someday, just possibly there might be a way out. That the human species would finally get ahold of itself and find a solution for this disease. Now I fear it is terminal. Because media exposure which was supposed to make the cockroaches run for cover, now serves as their circus as they dance in front of the camera. In spite of the education in the school systems that are supposed to teach sanity and tolerance, I see the kids and adults from the system simply find new names to cover their hate with. I had defended those who now commit the very acts they were defended from. I had marched for causes that now are stained with abuses of their own makings. The pendulum does not stop in the middle, it swings from bloody extreme to bloody extreme. And yet in spite of all that, I have not totally given up. I just don't know anymore what to do. Maybe I'll find a way, maybe not. Good luck to us all, we need it.
Dunno, but if I look at other countries, I think the haters can become very marginalized. There's probably a lot of difference between having 10 random haters in your city, and 100000.
As for the cockroaches dancing in the spotlight, well, some of them are probably sociopaths. Sociopaths are dead inside, professional liars, have no capacity for emotion except faking them, only further their own personnal goals, and are incapable of changing. If you establish the wrong rules, this kind of people will thrive and concentrate in your control structures, and then you're in for quite a happy meal, and there's no point in even expecting common human decency from them. Enron did it by periodically firing the lowest performers, so eventually all that was left was the fraudster liars.
Obviously, Glenn Beck doesn't care AT ALL if you're dying in the steet or loosing your house. He doesn't care about truth either and will happily spout all sorts of really obviously false shit, and contradict himself inside the same sentence. He's dead inside and only wants to further his own goals of getting more attention, even if that drives US into a hole. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to give a show to that kind of people? Like, as far as I can tell, in other countries, those guys eventually get tagged as a certified nutcases and shut out of the system, but obviously this is taking some time here.
"In spite of education in the school systems that are supposed to teach sanity and tolerance..."
I stopped quoting you right there, because, silly rabbit, "sanity and tolerance" aren't on any standardized tests! We all know that THOSE TEST SCORES are TEH MOST IMPORTANT THING EVAR!!!1!
Building character and logic takes a back seat, and actual education is sometimes a side effect of warehousing kids for 8 hours and building a curriculum around a multiple choice test (varies by grade level and/or state... mine was the Ohio 9th Grade Proficiency) that turns children into broad statistics. They make the difference on how well many school systems are funded (that and that one "random" week where they average the student attendance rate and somehow comes up with an "accurate" attendance figure for the year).
Yep. Asses in seats and test scores. Anything else usually gets adjusted by the "that's what my daddy taught me, so it must be right" line of thinking.
I just want to point something out here: That these poeple taking to the streets and spewing their fear and paranoia into the media isn't such a bad thing. They could have done the prudent thing and stuck to the edges of society, and not given anyone a cause to get angry.
They didn't.
Ignorance and fear is a powerful combination, and to any society where they abound they risk forming a tumor of sorts.
It could be said that current circumstances has triggered the realization of this risk.
That said, if anything, the "DC tea party" has highlighted the need for social change. And as demonstrated in the second vid, such manifestations could actually prove beneficial. One might even go so far as to say that more can be achieved this way than through legislation.
Maybe I am being too optimistic, but the more I think about it, the less angry it makes me.
That said, I live in Sweden and have never even set fot in the USA.
I just want to point something out here: That these poeple taking to the streets and spewing their fear and paranoia into the media isn't such a bad thing. They could have done the prudent thing and stuck to the edges of society, and not given anyone a cause to get angry.
They didn't.
Ignorance and fear is a powerful combination, and to any society where they abound they risk forming a tumor of sorts.
It could be said that current circumstances has triggered the realization of this risk.
That said, if anything, the "DC tea party" has highlighted the need for social change. And as demonstrated in the second vid, such manifestations could actually prove beneficial. One might even go so far as to say that more can be achieved this way than through legislation.
Maybe I am being too optimistic, but the more I think about it, the less angry it makes me.
That said, I live in Sweden and have never even set fot in the USA.
I gotta say, requiring immigrants to learn English before becoming a citizen isn't so insane... But yeah...Disturbing amount of people who are unaware that one really can't be a fascist AND a communist AND a racist without eschewing on most the values of the three.
I'm so sick of the teabaggers. They have no feasible clue about how broken the U.S. Healthcare system is, nor do they know how corrupt the insurance companies are. To make matters worse, they don't show any case to become more informed about the matter either. All they care about is that they lost the last presidential election because most of us were smart enough to reason McSame would continue to run our country into the ground. I told my husband that if McSame won, we were moving to Canada -- regardless of the fact that it's a bit colder than I'd prefer.
wow it seems every one seems to have said whats on my mind i wish i could go there with a blow horn and yell idiots and dismantle each theory one by one hopefully converting them to anarchists oh and even my father thinks that English is the"official" language in the us y dose no one do there research (im an atheist / anarchist go figure :P)and wow dont get me started on the Arabic countries ok too late first off rape is very bad in fact its one of the few things that will prevent you from going to paradise (murder is #1) and homosexuality is very rare in any Islam country but the reason the nut jobs in al quida and other such groups be head people is the same reason Catholics did in rome they believe their god is the only god and we must be pureifide osama is just a religous nutjob that is good at convincing people to do dumb things as-salaamu 'alaykum is just a greeting it has nothig to do with god in fact the litteral translation is Peace be upon you WOMEN CAN GET EDUCATIONS infact its often the wemon whom chose to not get 1 so they can help there families they all get basic education so they can at least read the Koran my source from this is a. RESEARCH b. i lived in Algeria with MY family for 6 months of coarse they tried to convert me lol but it wasn't a big deal it helped that a lot of them spoke English and french to translate for me its about 80% Islam 5% catholic and 5% other next point "if he bankrupts the dollar it will cause mas panic marshal law etc etc etc" what happens after people loose their freedoms they retaliate and hopefully overthrow government (in a perfect world adopt true anarchy )and instate one the believe will work *looks at American history with the British* humm *looks at french history* interesting i think i see a pattern *looks at Canadian history* *falls asleep* oh what wrong one *looks at Russian history* yep theirs something here *Chinese history* oops that one didn't work to well but you get the idea ok im tired off to bed pss 911 was an inside job but i doubt it was just the cia the us government is a little too good at covering their tracks (in a perfect world i could spell lol)
I think Hurburts comment said that Skousen was the Mormon, I don't think he directly called Beck a Mormon (could be wrong though).
Anyway, these videos are just examples of lower-middle class white people with no sense of direction in life latching onto the first voice they hear. They don't care what they protest, it's just another thing to do on a Saturday afternoon to make them feel useful in life. Rather pathetic really.
Why don't these people have SWINE Flu yet!
Oh lordy lordy. So many ignorant idiots shouting things they have no understanding of. When did free healthcare for all become the same as the disolvement of freedom and liberty? Man these people are sure afraid of something, and they don't even seem to know what! Seems like they are gagging for a revolution. Making Obama a Nazi is so ironic it's laughable. I suspect many of that lot thought General Lee gave in too quick.
I blame the media! for all this...
ok these folks make my brain hurt when did they give the right of protest to morons
*Starts to shout Sieg heil then changes it to Freedom*
I love how half of the people have no clue about half of what they are talking about and when he explains some of it they look none plused.
Its like the IdiotCon.
I love the guy who called Glen Beck logical, they must be taking the same brand of crazy pills.
There's so many things wrong with these people it's hard to make a list.
- Poor people on social security who don't want government's help, but still want the government's checks.
- People who claim to be patriots but wave the Confederate flag. Since when did treason become a symbol of patriotism???
- People who think they deserve to pay a lot for their healthcare because insurance co knows better than us what's good for us. It's ironic that while these nuts fear fascism, that's a very fascist mentality.
- I saw an Obama/Hitler sign from Lyndon Larouche. A lot of the Obama/Healthcare conspiracy theories originate from the Larouchebags. Some of them even protested in Montreal... (why???) These conservatives, republicans and libertarians are falling for the kook stories of Larouche, a Marxist sect leader. These guys killed irony...
It pisses these people off when they're told that the real reason they hate Obama is because he's black. Well shit, what's the reason then? Where were these protesters when Bush was pissing his budget away on an illegal and worthless war?
This reaction from these nuts was a long time coming. America started to change during the FDR admin. Even before WWII and the baby boom. But it was still possible for the remaining bigots to live in an imaginary lala land where you only saw black people on TV. But with a black president, progress is now impossible to ignore. That fantasy conservative America is gone (it never really existed anyway). And in these times, your only options are to either accept you were wrong, or go apeshit.
Luckily here in brazil, you either are a liberal or a liberal. It doesn't even exist a conservative party.
I guess this is good since you don't need to hear the common bigotry you got up there in the States.
Of course there always those catholical extremists talking shit on certain TV channels.
Hey, Joe Klein stole my theory!
http://swampland.blogs.time.com/2009/09/16/yes-its-racism-but-its-complicated/ ;-p
I can't even bring myself to watch the videos. It used to be funny, but now it's just frustrating. Blogster is overrun by these types, and IRL I'm surrounded by them. I don't have a problem dealing with people who simply have a differing opinion, but when they are the ones yelling Nazi and the ones who own the guns... well...
Way too many conspiracy theorists in there, too much Glenn Beck, and too much of the kind of stuff W. Cleon Skousen spouted. Skousen was basically a Mormon conspiracy theory nut (note: Mormons are not christians - they're basically the 19th century versions of Raelians) who wrote about stuff like the Red Menace (he thought some presidents such as Eisenhower were secretly Communist allies), then later the New World Order (basically he was introducing the Rockefellers into the Communist thing). Before that, he had been chief of police in Salt Lake City before being fired for, well, overdoing it:
" "Skousen conducted his office as Chief of Police in exactly the same manner in which the Communists operate their government," Lee wrote to a friend explaining his firing of Skousen. "The man is a master of half-truths. In at least three instances I have proven him to be a liar. He is a very dangerous man [and] one of the greatest spenders of public funds of anyone who ever served in any capacity in Salt Lake City government." "
(from: http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2009/09/16/beck_skousen/index.html )
Oh, and plus, he was an opportunist (the article quotes "money mad... totally unqualified and interested solely in furthering his own personal ends."). Ok, long story short, Skousen was crazy and saw conspiracies everywhere. And Glenn Beck is in the same line of thought: http://www.salon.com/politics/war_room/2009/09/03/beck_art/index.html . Rockefeller New World Order conspiracies? So yeah, if that's the kind of people who inspire the opposition to Barrack Obama's health care plan, then it's no surprise that they make no sense, have little regard for actual IRL facts, and are basically screaming and paranoid and afraid of whatever some sociopathic loudmouths tell them to be afraid of.
Oh, and if Skousen is any indication of the kind of person Glenn Beck is, then, don't vote for him. He'd turn the US into a totalitarian state for sure.
I didn't know Glenn Beck is a Mormon. I bet most of his fans think he's Christian.
He's also an alcoholic and a drug addict. That figures.
Well of course if Chuck Norris endorses your views, you must be doing something right.[/irony]
Have we ever discussed the nuts at World Net Daily here? Obviously in camp crazy with the troofers, birfers, and yes, Glenn Beck.
Makes me sick how these clowns abuse thier liberty and freedoms to cry about how repressed and threatened they are. Send then to a country where they have no freedoms to give them some perspective - and maybe shut them up.
Personally, I love the guy where "Immigrants should lern English in 'merica." ... then reveals his lack of English skills on his sign. (he added the "a" of diapers in pen, but completely missed the "ci" in politicians)
I saw a picture of one of some of these idiots in the local newspaper, on the forefront was a guy with a Ben Franklin quote "Those who give up freedom for security have neither"... my two questions are:
A) Exactly how does this apply to a health care system where I can actually AFFORD to take my ass to the hospital for something other than worker's compensation cases, and
b) Where was this logic when we were gleefully Pied Pipered straight into the Patriot Act?
Please, someone help me understand the hardcore, right-wing logic where Universal Health Care, gay marriage, and not wearing an American flag lapel pin are a "slippery slope" to the destruction of our nation, but unwarranted wiretapping, illegal detention and torture, asshat justification for said illegal detention and torture, and nonsensical fear-mongering are A-OK.
-D.P.R (my google account is acting silly)
That was right on the money, D.P.R..
I wonder how many of the rednecks in this country who want immigrants to "talk english" actually realize our country doesn't even have an official language. Of course, these folks didn't pay attention in English class, I guess expecting them to know their history is just as unrealistic.
I also have to wonder, when the hell will something be done about the USA PATRIOT Act?
Meanwhile, Bill ORLY backs the public option? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/17/bill-oreilly-backs-public_n_290658.html
WTF? o_O
For years I thought that if basic reasoning and logic were taught early in school, a lot of this @#&#$$@! would not be. Unfortunately as I have gotten older and experienced more and more people, including a great many supposedly educated ones, I have found that for a great many people they have a need for fear and hate that seems to be inborn. What is worse is that its a self perpetuating cycle. White racist groups create black racist groups, black racist groups create Asian racist groups (my ex was from Atlanta, the hatred for Asians from the black community was legendary there in the early 90s) and it all breaks down to the ever stupid " I hate you because my parents were hated by somebody. " And it doesn't stop with racism, political and social affiliations (Liberal, Conservative, Hippy, Slacker, Punk, Goth, Environmentalist, Feminist, Catholic, Baptist, Pagan, etc, etc, etc) Any group, by any definition of being a group, becomes a target of those who have a need for the power and self-justification of hate. I used to think that someday, just possibly there might be a way out. That the human species would finally get ahold of itself and find a solution for this disease. Now I fear it is terminal. Because media exposure which was supposed to make the cockroaches run for cover, now serves as their circus as they dance in front of the camera. In spite of the education in the school systems that are supposed to teach sanity and tolerance, I see the kids and adults from the system simply find new names to cover their hate with. I had defended those who now commit the very acts they were defended from. I had marched for causes that now are stained with abuses of their own makings. The pendulum does not stop in the middle, it swings from bloody extreme to bloody extreme. And yet in spite of all that, I have not totally given up. I just don't know anymore what to do. Maybe I'll find a way, maybe not. Good luck to us all, we need it.
Dunno, but if I look at other countries, I think the haters can become very marginalized. There's probably a lot of difference between having 10 random haters in your city, and 100000.
As for the cockroaches dancing in the spotlight, well, some of them are probably sociopaths. Sociopaths are dead inside, professional liars, have no capacity for emotion except faking them, only further their own personnal goals, and are incapable of changing. If you establish the wrong rules, this kind of people will thrive and concentrate in your control structures, and then you're in for quite a happy meal, and there's no point in even expecting common human decency from them. Enron did it by periodically firing the lowest performers, so eventually all that was left was the fraudster liars.
Obviously, Glenn Beck doesn't care AT ALL if you're dying in the steet or loosing your house. He doesn't care about truth either and will happily spout all sorts of really obviously false shit, and contradict himself inside the same sentence. He's dead inside and only wants to further his own goals of getting more attention, even if that drives US into a hole. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to give a show to that kind of people? Like, as far as I can tell, in other countries, those guys eventually get tagged as a certified nutcases and shut out of the system, but obviously this is taking some time here.
"In spite of education in the school systems that are supposed to teach sanity and tolerance..."
I stopped quoting you right there, because, silly rabbit, "sanity and tolerance" aren't on any standardized tests! We all know that THOSE TEST SCORES are TEH MOST IMPORTANT THING EVAR!!!1!
Building character and logic takes a back seat, and actual education is sometimes a side effect of warehousing kids for 8 hours and building a curriculum around a multiple choice test (varies by grade level and/or state... mine was the Ohio 9th Grade Proficiency) that turns children into broad statistics. They make the difference on how well many school systems are funded (that and that one "random" week where they average the student attendance rate and somehow comes up with an "accurate" attendance figure for the year).
Yep. Asses in seats and test scores. Anything else usually gets adjusted by the "that's what my daddy taught me, so it must be right" line of thinking.
I just want to point something out here: That these poeple taking to the streets and spewing their fear and paranoia into the media isn't such a bad thing. They could have done the prudent thing and stuck to the edges of society, and not given anyone a cause to get angry.
They didn't.
Ignorance and fear is a powerful combination, and to any society where they abound they risk forming a tumor of sorts.
It could be said that current circumstances has triggered the realization of this risk.
That said, if anything, the "DC tea party" has highlighted the need for social change. And as demonstrated in the second vid, such manifestations could actually prove beneficial. One might even go so far as to say that more can be achieved this way than through legislation.
Maybe I am being too optimistic, but the more I think about it, the less angry it makes me.
That said, I live in Sweden and have never even set fot in the USA.
I just want to point something out here: That these poeple taking to the streets and spewing their fear and paranoia into the media isn't such a bad thing. They could have done the prudent thing and stuck to the edges of society, and not given anyone a cause to get angry.
They didn't.
Ignorance and fear is a powerful combination, and to any society where they abound they risk forming a tumor of sorts.
It could be said that current circumstances has triggered the realization of this risk.
That said, if anything, the "DC tea party" has highlighted the need for social change. And as demonstrated in the second vid, such manifestations could actually prove beneficial. One might even go so far as to say that more can be achieved this way than through legislation.
Maybe I am being too optimistic, but the more I think about it, the less angry it makes me.
That said, I live in Sweden and have never even set fot in the USA.
I gotta say, requiring immigrants to learn English before becoming a citizen isn't so insane...
But yeah...Disturbing amount of people who are unaware that one really can't be a fascist AND a communist AND a racist without eschewing on most the values of the three.
I'm so sick of the teabaggers. They have no feasible clue about how broken the U.S. Healthcare system is, nor do they know how corrupt the insurance companies are. To make matters worse, they don't show any case to become more informed about the matter either. All they care about is that they lost the last presidential election because most of us were smart enough to reason McSame would continue to run our country into the ground. I told my husband that if McSame won, we were moving to Canada -- regardless of the fact that it's a bit colder than I'd prefer.
wow it seems every one seems to have said whats on my mind i wish i could go there with a blow horn and yell idiots and dismantle each theory one by one hopefully converting them to anarchists oh and even my father thinks that English is the"official" language in the us y dose no one do there research (im an atheist / anarchist go figure :P)and wow dont get me started on the Arabic countries ok too late first off rape is very bad in fact its one of the few things that will prevent you from going to paradise (murder is #1) and homosexuality is very rare in any Islam country but the reason the nut jobs in al quida and other such groups be head people is the same reason Catholics did in rome they believe their god is the only god and we must be pureifide osama is just a religous nutjob that is good at convincing people to do dumb things as-salaamu 'alaykum is just a greeting it has nothig to do with god in fact the litteral translation is Peace be upon you WOMEN CAN GET EDUCATIONS infact its often the wemon whom chose to not get 1 so they can help there families they all get basic education so they can at least read the Koran
my source from this is
b. i lived in Algeria with MY family for 6 months of coarse they tried to convert me lol but it wasn't a big deal it helped that a lot of them spoke English and french to translate for me its about 80% Islam 5% catholic and 5% other
next point
"if he bankrupts the dollar it will cause mas panic marshal law etc etc etc" what happens after people loose their freedoms they retaliate and hopefully overthrow government (in a perfect world adopt true anarchy )and instate one the believe will work *looks at American history with the British* humm *looks at french history* interesting i think i see a pattern *looks at Canadian history* *falls asleep* oh what wrong one *looks at Russian history* yep theirs something here *Chinese history* oops that one didn't work to well but you get the idea
ok im tired off to bed
pss 911 was an inside job but i doubt it was just the cia the us government is a little too good at covering their tracks (in a perfect world i could spell lol)
woo i have the second longest comment lol
I think Hurburts comment said that Skousen was the Mormon, I don't think he directly called Beck a Mormon (could be wrong though).
Anyway, these videos are just examples of lower-middle class white people with no sense of direction in life latching onto the first voice they hear. They don't care what they protest, it's just another thing to do on a Saturday afternoon to make them feel useful in life. Rather pathetic really.
I didn't say Beck was a Mormon (nor did I knew he was one), but if you look at his wikipedia page, it does say that Beck IS a Mormon.
looks like these people should do some research before the next protest
http://graphjam.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/song-chart-memes-politics.jpg?w=504&h=411 what a perfect fit for these videos
South Park graphic? :p
nope a graph i found
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