Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Slipshine's blog
Montréal Comix Jam
Liberal Avenger Blog
Penni Candies
Luxuria Music
Our Home Planet
Krazy Kimchi
Electric Manga

Best Of:
- Banned from DeviantArt: the full story
- Your opinion don't mean shit!
- Advice to Sirkowski
- What's an RSS Feed?
Previous Posts
- Hate has consequences
- Cartoon's birth certificate required
- MensuHell #109 was made of WIN
- Updating for the sake of updating
- Sister Wulfia Focka April update
- Any French YOs in dah house?
- Kalashnikov fanart
- BlackieBot
- Searching Colorist (flatter) for hire -THANKS
- Depression

I really like the one of Eva with the sword and pointy hat.
Nice art. Glad to see your posting again.
Initially I thought that Eva was dressed in the style of a Mongolian warrior in that first sketch, but now that I think about it I'm reminded of paintings of Vlad Tepes.
No, I'm not going to properly accent that.
Very nice! Get uncrazy soon! lol
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