Friday, December 28, 2007

Lucky Dynamite (with (a better) wallpaper)

I find Lucky Star pretty boring, but I just had to do this...
Edit: Here's a wallpaper version.
Edit II: Gendaru vectorized a better version of the wallpaper.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Oekaki boards

Anyone knows active Oekaki boards where people aren't retarded? (so not 4chan's, sorry) All the Oekakis I used to draw on seem deserted these days, even Oekaki Central.

Friday, December 21, 2007

The Nativity, or how Jesus got molested*

*Or how Jesus was a motherfucker**
There's an interesting article in The Stranger, A Lay in a Manger, about the eroticism in religious classical paintings of the Nativity.

I've heard the arguement of religion's utility in society in relation to the Catholic church's sponsorship of arts & science in the Middle-Ages and Renaissance. This ignores the facts that there existed no other institutions. It's also ironic that the sponsorship of science by the church would only serve to diminish the same church's power. And as far as the arts go, it seems if you wanted to draw smut, you had to paint religious smut. (and not the kind that's in the Bible)

Money Quote:
"In many hundreds of pious, religious works, from before 1400 to past the mid-16th century, the ostensive unveiling of the Child's sex, or the touching, protecting, or presentation of it, is the main action," Steinberg writes. The sex of Christ in art history is a "long-suppressed matter of fact."

Steinberg has some disturbing news about that sweet little affectionate chin chuck the baby gives his mother in paintings such as Jan van Hemessen's Madonna and Child from 1543: It's an old erotic gesture dating back to early Egyptian and Greek art. "The chin-chuck, then, betokens the Infant Spouse," Steinberg writes.

To Steinberg, this all is evidence of the divinity of Christ through His humanity. Christ isn't like other babies. He doesn't crawl. He gets fondled by family members.

Thankfully the church has cleaned its act since then... </sarcasm>

**Of course Jesus is a motherfucker. Not only because of all the molestation going on in those classical pictures. But he also impregnated his mom as the Holy Ghost. HOLY INCESTUOUS TRINITY, BATMAN!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

6 new pages of Sister Wulfia Focka

6 new pages (uncensored) of Sister Wulfia Focka available on For 2008, I intent to draw 10 new pages each month.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Cute Picture by ~Lillillilli

I saw this in the comments for "Banned from DeviantArt: The full story"
Boomer said...
you guys would not believe this. I read this yesterday, just for a laugh. Today, I check out the recent devations, I find this:

I wonder how long it'll stay there. XD

Saturday, December 15, 2007

December's Dr.Sketchy

After skipping on November, I went to this December's Dr.Sketchy life drawing session. Those sessions are held in a lot of major cities in North America around the world, so check it out if you're interested. It's all about fun, no critiques and sexy models. Nothing to do with academic life drawing.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

pics, animation test + fanarts

2 new pics in the gallery. A Flash animation puppet of Twiggy for episode 24. The black suit should prove usefull, as it will be easier to animate. Also a sketch from the convention.

As well as Twiggy, there will be a new character introduced in episode 24. Mao-Mix: the communist furry. Here's a first animation test.

4 new fanarts from GenfGuy, Frank, Heather and Stéfani.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Today, Montreal Comic Con

Shit, I nearly forgot about this.
Today is the Montreal Comic Con one day event. From 10am to 5pm, at the Palais des Congres, Métro Place-d'Armes. If you're there and you're a fan, please come and see me, cuz I'll be alone. :p

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Back in NG' TOP 50

For the first time in years, Miss Dynamite is back in Newgrounds' Best of All Time TOP 50! Sitting presently at #7, I don't think I've ever got that high. Miss Dynamite has been on Newgrounds for so long, I sometimes feel she's forgotten, since she can't have the appeal of something new. In french we say, "faire partie des meubles". That means you're part of the furniture; you're usefull, but not aknowledged. But I guess I was wrong to feel that way. I'm gonna open a bottle of Diet Coke to celebrate. Thank you all for voting. I know it sucks that I can't do big updates more often. Animation is such a bitch, you work months for 3 minutes of entertainment. It's not much when compared to the 40 minutes a week a show gives you on TV. So I appreciate your patience. Thanks to Kagome, Mizura and Tomamoto for the voices. Thank you also to Michelle (Sharem) who helped me in the old days when I had so much more time to work on these, not having to pay a rent. Miss Dynamite will be back with episode 24 (I'm done with roman numerals), introducing Twiggy, a girl who appeared in the print comics only, plus a new characters named Mao-Mix.

Monday, December 03, 2007


ah-ha! 5 minutes late.
Episode 23: Gitmo Doll House, is here at last! You can watch it here, or watch it on Newgrounds. It will help me a great deal if you watch it on Newgrounds and vote 5. Unless you think it sucks; in which case, vote 5 anyway. :-p You can also leave a review.
Update: #1 Daily Feature – 12/04/2007
Weekly 3rd Place – 12/05/2007
Thank you! And don't be afraid to vote some more!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

New anime episode tomorrow

Tomorrow, noon, Miss Dynamite XXIII. Let's hope I wake up on time to update... :p In the meantime, here's a new fanart from Stefani.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Gotta find a new place

It's my birthday and I found out I gotta find a new appartment in Spring, weepee!