Miss Dynamite XXII animatic

If Jesus Christ (peace be upon Him) was present today, he would order an encounter against those who would propagate corruption, obscenity and perversion, and try to nullify and exterminate the merits and the rights of women and diminish their position – a position that virgin Mary (peace be upon Her) – is their role model and sample.
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* Lester Crawford - Commissioner, FDA - GUILTY - LIAR!
* Carl Truscott - Director ATF - resigned. WASTED YOUR TAXES! (millions)
* Joseph Schmitz - Inspector General, Defense - Resigned - CRONYISM!
* Brian Doyle - Deputy Press Secretary, DHS - PEDO!
* Claude Allen - Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy- resigned, GUILTY - SHOPLIFTING! (i shit you not)
* David Safavian - former head of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy at the Office of Management and Budget.- GUILTY - LIAR! and ties to Jack Abramoff.
* Steven Griles - Deputy Secretary at the Interior Department - JACK ABRAMOFF again!
* Susan Ralston - assistant, White House - resigned - JACK ABRAMOFF again!
* Dusty Foggo - Executive Director, CIA - stepped down following accusations of CORRUPTION in connection to the Duke Cunningham(IN JAIL) scandal. Under investigation.
* Larry Franklin - intelligence officer, Defense - TRAITOR, resigned, pleaded guilty to passing secrets to Israel.
* Janet Rehnquist - Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services - resigned in the face of allegations she blocked a politically dangerous probe on behalf of the Bush family. COCKBLOCKER!
* Roger Stillwell - desk officer, Interior Department - pleaded guilty to failing to report Redskins tickets and free dinners from JACK ABRAMOFF!
* Ken Tomlinson, Board Chairman, Corporation for Public Broadcasting; member, Broadcasting Board of Governors - resigned at the release of an inspector general report concluding he had broken laws in spending CPB money to hire politically connected consultants to search for "bias" without consulting the board. At BBG, a separate investigation found he was running a "horse racing operation" out of his office, and continuing to hire politically-wired individuals to do "consulting" work for him. He's still there. In other words, MOBSTER!
* George Deutsch - press aide, NASA - resigned amid allegations he prevented the agency's top climate scientist from speaking publicly about global warming. FLAT EARTH SOCIETY!
* Richard Perle - Chairman, Defense Policy Board - resigned from Pentagon advisory panel amid conflict-of-interest charges. IRAQ HIS IDEA!
* Frank Figueroa - senior DHS official, former head of anti-sex-crime Operation Predator - PEDO!
* James Roche - secretary, U.S. Air Force - resigned - CROOK!
* Darleen Druyun - senior contracting official, U.S. Air Force - JAILED - CROOK!
* Marvin Sambur - top contracting executive, U.S. Air Force - Druyun's boss, ALSO CROOK!
* Philip Cooney - chief of staff, White House Council on Environmental Quality - a former oil industry lawyer with no scientific expertise, Cooney resigned after it was revealed he had watered down reports on global warming. SCEIENCE WTF???LOL!!!!111