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the Republican National Committee is a regular recipient of political contributions from Nicholas T. Boyias, the owner and CEO of Marina Pacific Distributors, one of the largest producers and distributors of gay porn in the United States.
Some recent releases include "Fire in the Hole", "Flesh and Boners", even a "Velvet Mafia" series.
The documentary's subjects are Palestinians currently imprisoned for attempted suicide bombings; according to the article, they cite revenge, anger and the desperation and hopelessness induced by the prolonged Israeli occupation as motives for their actions. Rehov, however, fixes on another incentive. As one young man tells Rehov, "Those who blow themselves up get a good bonus from God -- they marry 72 virgins."
Apparently, every subject Rehov interviewed mentioned this motive; one young woman prisoner even wants to be one of the virgins, saying, "I would have been the prettiest of all." Rehov also mentions high levels of sexual frustration among the Palestineans of the Gaza Strip, claiming that students say "it is not possible to have a normal life."
In an interview with the Chronicle, Rehov describes meeting a 17-year-old survivor of a suicide attack. The survivor told him that a man approached her and showed her the dynamite under his shirt. Rehov explains, "I've studied psychology, and there are a lot of things connected to flashers -- they want to destroy innocence…This is when I understood there is something really sexual about this extreme act they want to commit."
Eva's stiches are alright. But Blackie ate one stiches, so she's got a small hole where you can see her insides. X-P But the vet said it's alright, it would heal up anyway. The problem is I got to put a cone on Blackie and as you can't imagine, she's not a happy girl. She can't climb properly and it's difficult (but not impossible) to eat. It's only for two days though.
Mike Rogers, who calls himself "the nation’s leading gay activist blogger" has just finished a nationally-broadcast interview on the Ed Schultz Radio Show in which he alleges that Idaho Republican Senator Larry Craig has engaged in same-sex sexual activity.
Canada troops battle 10-ft Afghan marijuana plantsHT: Raul
Canadian troops fighting Taliban militants in
Afghanistan have stumbled across an unexpected and potent enemy -- almost impenetrable forests of 10-feet (three metre) high marijuana plants.
General Rick Hillier, chief of the Canadian defence staff, said on Thursday that Taliban fighters were using the forests as cover. In response, the crew of at least one armored car had camouflaged their vehicle with marijuana.
"The challenge is that marijuana plants absorb energy, heat very readily. It's very difficult to penetrate with thermal devices ... and as a result you really have to be careful that the Taliban don't dodge in and out of those marijuana forests," he said in a speech in Ottawa.
"We tried burning them with white phosphorous -- it didn't work. We tried burning them with diesel -- it didn't work. The plants are so full of water right now ... that we simply couldn't burn them," he said.
Even successful incineration had its drawbacks.
"A couple of brown plants on the edges of some of those (forests) did catch on fire. But a section of soldiers that was downwind from that had some ill effects and decided that was probably not the right course of action," Hillier said dryly.
One soldier told him later: "Sir, three years ago before I joined the army, I never thought I'd say 'That damn marijuana'."