The years before, Otakuthon was held in the halls of Concordia University. It was probably a good learning curve for the organizers since it was less expensive (or free? I don't remember). But as the convention grew in size, it complicated matters. Last year, by no fault of the organizers, us guests were parked in a corner away from visitors. I tried to make with what we had. Another guest I shall not name (Cats *cough* VG *cough*) made some diva drama. So since the attendence was bigger, Otakuthon moved to a real convention center, the Palais des Congrès, next to Chinatown. I imagine it was a risky move, since they really needed people to show up to pay for the halls. (I've heard in the past that the Palais is expensive) But even though I don't have the official numbers yet, it seems like there was even more people than last year. Which is great, it means the con is growing. I mean, just from my point of view, it was packed! The entrance got jammed on Saturday opening and they had to let people in small groups to avoid a rush in the main hall.

My friends from
Dragon Mango were invited as well, so I had some good company. Marc, Karen and Colleen also stayed at my place. This means I'll have a place to stay next time I go to Toronto, hehehe! Everything is going as planned! Colleen also drew me a sexy nun. The panels on webcomics and Flash animation seemed to go well, considering we didn't really prepare. a_a Nobody attended the Flash panel last year, so an attendance this year was a great improvement. lol I wasn't sure if we should explain the basics of Flash or more advanced techniques. Turns out there were beginnners and people more advanced in the crowd, so we did both. Maybe next year we'll just showcase our movies and let people ask questions.

Both me and Maïté made drawings in public demos. She took her time and I botched. And it shows. X-D After 30 minutes of drawing standing up my shoulder was sore anyway. For some reason, we weren't supposed to take photos of those... (?) But they gave us back our drawings afterwards, so... I don't get it.

Funny commission story: A guy asked me to draw his wife, with Eva and Blackie... in bondage. X-D I didn't want to do it cuz I don't like drawing caricatures, but he offered double $ and I no choice. lol I wouldn't have done it had the wife not been there. I know some guys asked me to draw their ex-girlfriend for revenge. But since the wife was present and approved, that was cool. In the end, everyone was satisfied. And no, I didn't exagerate her bust size.

Original art, DO NOT STEAL! Well, someone stole it anyway while we were at the Flash panel :-p I know someone else also got his art stolen, so maybe it was the same thief stealing art across the exhibition floor. It's the only thing I left on the table. That and a furry pic of Mao-Mix, which of course nobody stole...

So I met alotta people. Sold stuff. A lot of people just pass by and say "hey, I've seen this on Newgrounds". Oh, and I know some people always ask, but no, Miss Dynamite fans are not all perverted guys. There's also plenty of perverted girls. ;-p Thanks again this year to Carole Espiritu for taking care of guests so well. Thanks to all the other Otakuthon organizers making a great convention, it was needed. I'm not working today, I'm tired. I'm gonna rent some movies. x_X